When is it my turn...
This is something I find myself struggling with from time to time and it's an understandable emotion.
God has his own sense of timing: ‘With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day’ (2 Peter 3:8). He has perfect timing: never early, never late. God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time. We cannot force the things that we want to come now, we see others with their babies and we find it hard to grasp that it is not us. This is not a punishment for us, he is not putting us through these struggles to hurt us but it is a teaching we have to look into and find what the meaning of it is, and what God wants us to do. We have been praying for years for our little one, we have experienced child loss, and each time something happens, we dive closer to God because we know that we are not the only ones feeling that pain. I know that if I hadn't experienced all that I have with my infertility I would not be as strong in faith as I am today. I know I would have never started this foundation. I would have never been open about my struggles and suffered silently and continued saying why me.
While it's natural to want to take control of the situation and find a solution, it's important to remember that we cannot always control everything in our lives. I won’t be praying, “God, help me to trust your timing.” But I WILL be praying: “God, help me to trust your plan.”